Tuesday 5 March 2013

Berry Nice

This morning I started the day with my hot-water-and-lemon and multivitamin, but decided to mix things up a little bit with my wheatgrass. Rather than just stirring it into orange juice, I decided to add it to a smoothie, which I have christened Berry Nice Put 2 cups of cold water into your blender (I use a Vitamix) and throw in a peeled banana, 2 big handfuls of frozen blackberries, a small handful of cashew nuts, and a pinch of cinnamon. Finish with a slice of peeled ginger, about the size of a 50p coin, and 2 teaspoons of wheatgrass powder, and blend. This was the most beautiful deep purple colour, and I really liked the flavour. I can't help but think that perhaps I needed to blend it a little bit more, as the seed fragments from the blackberries kept catching on my tongue which wasn't the nicest sensation in the world. However, after a glass of that (the smoothie serves 2) and 2 scrambled eggs on toast, I found myself full right up until lunch time. I need to work on not letting myself get too hungry. I had a KitKat on the way home because I could have almost bitten the person next to me! If I had had a banana or similar in my handbag I could have had that instead. Tomorrow I must remember to pack one! Tomorrow I think I will try carrot, apple and wheatgrass juice. I really like making a conscious effort to start the day with something healthy.

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